Customer Testimonials

Furnace Repair

“Even though I don’t think you usually work on Saturdays – especially after 5:00, you accomplished your repair work and figured out the problem! It felt so good to be warm again last night and today.” –Lu Jean W.

Satisfied Customer

“We appreciate all you did and feel like we got more than our money’s worth.” –Don and Autum Y.

Outstanding Service

“Keep being honest and friendly. I appreciate your knowledge of all the units available to help me choose. Even when I did change my mind they were such a stand up company and didn’t make me feel bad for changing my mind. I REALLY appreciated that.” –William B.
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Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling.

Call us at 208-414-1302!

Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling proudly provides HVAC service to Caldwell, Cambridge, Council, Fruitland, Homedale, Middleton, Midvale, Nampa, New Plymouth, Parma, Payette, Weiser, Nyssa, Ontario, Vale and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 208-414-1302, or request service online today.