Indoor Air Quality Articles
Most homes in Idaho and across the country are well-insulated, helping your heating and cooling system run more efficiently.
A tightly sealed home prevents conditioned air from escaping, allowing your home to maintain a consistent temperature for longer periods. That means your air conditioner (AC), furnace, or heat pump can run less to keep you comfortable. Continue Reading
Our professionals at Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling want to provide you with the information to create a healthy, comfortable environment for you and your family. Here is some important information about dehumidifiers and the role they play in your home’s health and comfort. Continue Reading
In the winter, being snug as a bug in a rug in your home can be cozy, but it can also play havoc with your indoor air quality (IAQ) here in Idaho. Continue Reading
To promote safety and well-being for our community in Weiser, here’s what you should know about this harmful airborne pollutant. Continue Reading
What do you think of when you hear about air pollution? You might immediately imagine a giant cloud of smoke, cars spewing exhaust, or a trash incinerator––but have you ever thought about your own home in Weiser? Continue Reading
Let our qualified technicians at Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling inspect, clean, and, if necessary, repair your heating and cooling system. Your HVAC equipment will operate at peak efficiency and with minimal sound after a tune-up. Continue Reading
No matter which way you experience it, one thing is evident in them all––fall brings drier air. The cooler air simply can’t hold as much moisture as warm air, resulting in the dry air. While it can make for crisp mornings for walking, the lack of moisture in the air can also take its toll on you, your home, and your overall comfort. Continue Reading
Air pollution can affect your health both indoors and outdoors. Smoke particles enter your Idaho home through open windows and doors, exhaust fans that vent to the outdoors, and HVAC systems with a fresh air intake. Even small cracks around your windows and doors allow for infiltration. Continue Reading
In both humidification and dehumidification, there are a wide range of products and price points to consider. At Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling our professionals will walk you through the selection and design process. We take into account the many variables involved in creating the perfect system so you are comfortable through all of the seasons in your Weiser, ID home. Continue Reading
While most air quality systems typically target specific contaminants, air scrubbers can help remove a variety of particles, gases, odors, and contaminants from your Weiser home’s indoor air. These devices treat air en route to your HVAC system using the latest technologies. The result is fresh air. Continue Reading